Since I'm getting slightly better at this whole blogging thing, I decided to join in with {av} at long distance loving for her Friday's Fancies link-up!
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What's on your fancy wish list?
I fell in love with the color of this dress first, then picked out everything else to go with it. I don't actually have anywhere fancy enough to wear this to at the moment, but a girl can dream!
*Sidenote: What the heck is going on with blogger? I finally get addicted to this thing and they take it away from me for 20.5 hours? (No, I didn't time it - they announced that on their blog post.) I hope my posts come back soon! And I also had new comments from people that don't even know me! I feel like a celebrity!*
What's on your fancy wish list?
love love this outfit! Friday's Fancies is one of my fav link ups! Have a great weekend! xoxo
love the bag! the whole blogger breakdown is pretty upsetting.. you dont realize just HOW addicted you are until they take it away from you :) ah well, glad everythings back up and running. have a great weekend. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams
Oh my gosh, that color is gorgeous! So bright and cheerful!
So glad you got to post your Friday's Fancies today! Hope you have a fabulous weekend my dear.
Loving the turquoise!! And that bag is fabulous!!
1. I think fancy Friday needs to be a new thing that I do. I always find myself wanting things that are far to fancy for my meager pay.
3. I have like 2 outfits in my closet that I am waiting for a fancy enough event to wear them to to happen. Since I don't foresee that happening anytime soon either,I'm real tempted to just walk into my classroom in one of them sometime soon.
2. I just about DIED as well when blogger was freaking out! I started my blog last month as well and am starting to become obsessive. The fact that I couldn't post about the important events of my day, my internal strife on the decision of what I should paint my nails, my ramblings on what part of my lunch was upsetting my stomach, and the funny look my dog gave me was DEVASTATING.
3. I know we're strangers but I just found your blog on FTLOB and think you're just fab!
AMY! I'm so so happy you joined in for Friday's Fancies! I can't get enough of the outfit you created--and seriously, could the turquoise dress look any cuter with all the accessories you chose? I think not! Can't wait to see more from you! xoxo {av}
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